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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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I snuck off into the garage to check on some bits of foam and their PVA when my boys arrived home suddenly.

In they rushed! I was busted playing with secret daddy toys.

Cries of “what have you got there? Can I see?” echoed through my head as visions of crushed terrain and mangled white metal filled my mind’s eye.

I showed my eldest what I was doing, gluing some abstract pink foam shapes together, and proudly told him “daddy’s making a house!”

The obvious confusion playing on my son’s face was deflating to see, surely it at least looks house-shaped?


“Can I help?” came the question.

How to get out of this? There’s not really anything at the moment that he can help with, he’s only 4 so I’ll probably get in trouble if I hand him a knife and say “cut out 1500 foam bricks, I want to build a tower.”

“To hell with it,” I thought, “he’ll be alright I’m sure”

To much protest I kicked him out of the garage with the promise that I would fetch him shortly and somehow managed to tidy everything up.

After he rejoined me I further made his day by opening box after box of toys (terrain) and a case of models to play with. (“Can I hold it? What is it?”)

I let him see and hold them and to his credit he only dropped one (poor stoat now has a flat spot on his hammer) and he quickly learned his lesson to look at them over the table instead of bringing them to himself.

We played a couple of short games of “roll better than me to push me over” and “roll six to shoot someone and knock them over” which, naturally, he easily won with his loaded dice. He was also pretty good with not insisting on doing the actual knocking over.

Afterwards he said “I love you for letting me play with your toys” which I’ll take any day of the week. It was fun!

I’ve got some paper terrain to build and some mini gangs to paint which will let him play with less important models instead of my precious ones!

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