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A SAGA to surpass Metal Gear

A SAGA to surpass Metal Gear

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First hearthguard

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 5
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First hearthguard

First mini painted for my saga danes. I’m trying to go for natural greys and tans for the clothing, these guys are meant to be wealthy land owners in my kingdom (what’s the word? not a kingdom!) and those who would sit at the top table in my halls so they can be adorned with some more exotic colours such as purples and nice reds, but I was a bit timid.

Being the more realistically-proportioned scale makes them quite fiddly to paint and the use of a light basecoat means I can’t get away with just missing bits which is annoying.

I’ve left his shield white, after much deliberation I’m going to get some shield transfers instead of torturing myself trying to think up and paint cool patterns.

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