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3rd Armoured Division Savlar Chem-Dogs – Tank A- Solar Auxilia Dracosan Armoured Transport – Painting

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3rd Armoured Division Savlar Chem-Dogs – Tank A- Solar Auxilia Dracosan Armoured Transport – Painting

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3rd Armoured Division Savlar Chem-Dogs – Tank A- Solar Auxilia Dracosan Armoured Transport – Painting

Stage 1: Base Painting

I used two coats of Graveyard Brown on the upper part of the tank. Two coats were required because of the lightness of the paint colour and as the undercoat was black to give a dulled effect to the layered paints to follow. I used a size 8 brush with a rough and ready approach, not worrying too much about getting brown paint on the gunner or the tracks. I used a Citadel detailed brush – approximately Size 0 to give a more defined curve to the edge between what will be the blue, lower section of the tank.


Base Paint BrownBase Paint Brown

Having left the brown paint to dry – approximately 30 minutes, I was then able to move on to painting two coats of Light Blue (Space Wolves Grey) on the lower part of the tank. Again a size 8 brush was followed with a detail brush to give a defined edge between the two main base colours. Again leave for approximately 30 minutes to dry.


Blue Base PaintBlue Base Paint

Time Elapsed:

30 minutes brown base painting,

30 minutes drying time,

30 minutes blue base painting,

30 minutes drying time.

Stage 2: Camouflage Stripes

On the brown areas of the tank I liberally painted random stripes approximately 2mm thick using Mournfang Brown. I wanted the stripes to feel organic so let them flow in random directions, although maintaining a decent amount of Graveyard Earth brown between the stripes. Before this had dried I dabbed Skragg Brown in the centre of the stripes. This allowed for a certain degree of blending of the two browns. The tank was then left to dry overnight.

Time Elapsed:

45 minutes painting two-tone Camouflage Stripes

12 hours drying time.


Stage 3 – Washes

I used a Size 8 brush to liberally paint the light blue area of the tank with Drachenhof Nightshade. I pushed the paint around, allowing it to pool in the recesses, but ensuring it had an even coat. One coat was enough. I left this to dry for 3o minutes.

I painted the gunner using Troll Slayer Orange, Chaos Black, Shining Gold, Cadian Fleshtone, Blood Red, Zandri Dust, and a wash of Reikland Fleshshade. I also painted the multi-laser with Leadbelcher alongside the tracks. I left this to dry for 6o minutes.

I repeated the wash process for the brown areas of the tank using Agrax Earthshade and left the tank to dry overnight.

Time Elapsed:

40 minutes blue wash

30 minutes drying time

45 minutes gunner painting with fine detail brush

60 minutes drying time

40 minutes brown wash

12 hours drying time (overnight).


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