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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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Otter Mercenary WIP

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 5
Off to a good startOff to a good start

I’ve loved this mini since I first saw the range, but I was suitably intimidated by the potential so I avoided him for a while.

Now I’ve amassed paint and a bit of experience I thought I’d give the Landsknecht-inspired Otter Mercenary a go.

There’s plenty to tidy up here, I ended up accidentally painting late in the day under a yellowy rubbish light so it was hard to see by the time I stopped. I’m happy with how he’s turning out though!

Bright colours have been the name of the game with my Oathsworn minis and this is a perfect one to take that up a notch.

I’ll bust out the really fine brush to try and fix up the yellow in the recesses of the pleated cloth, it’s proving tricky to get a nice clean line between them and because there’s a big contrast there any mistakes are extra visible.

Overall though a really fun mini and one I can’t wait to see on the table!

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Painting looks spot on, colours are lovely and really pop in contrast to the fur tones and armour.

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