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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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Leonard the Hare Barkeep

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Gerrouta my pub!Gerrouta my pub!

A short entry this time around, it took me a while to find some concentration but then I got flowing all of a suddden and didn’t want to stop painting!

Leonard is a battered old veteran who’s mates with Montgomery and married to Auntie Claws. He doesn’t look particularly happy about either of those facts!

This mini has bags of interesting little details without being crowded. He’s quickly become my favourite!

In terms of pallette I kept a fairly simple colour scheme on him, but went for a more tan base to work the fur up from. Top layer highlight is the elf flesh drybrush colour which I wondered might be a bit pink but the tone is really nice on it.

His scarred ear is a bit of khorne red with some cadian fleshtone. I wanted it to stand out a bit against the tan fur.

Some of the brushwork on his tunic tucked in under his chin was quite difficult to find the right angle for but I didn’t mind it being a little darker and less well layered there as it would be a shadowed part in real life anyway.

To add a bit of extra interest I painted one of his eyes as a false eye made of brass (is that even a good idea? a metal false eye?) so he really has been in the wars.

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