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20mm modern wargaming

20mm modern wargaming

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Tutoring 1
Skill 2
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I primed all the models using badger stynylrez white primer. It seems to be sticking pretty well to the flexible plastic. I flexed one model to make sure it wouldn’t crack and come off and it held up great. Hopefully using thin coats of acrylic over top will help keep the final paint job from cracking.

Next is to add the basing material to the standing figures since the glue will stick better to the primer then it did the raw plastic. A quick prime of the base then it will be onto painting.

I will mix up a sandy colour for the base coat. I will airbrush the whole models with it as the base can be altered with washes to give contrast after and all the other colours will be darker then this base so will be able to cover it easily.

Question: should I make a longer base for the snipers and the lmgs? The sniper looks ok but the gun is not protected by the base and the lmgs doesn’t have the bipod touching the base which looks a bit off. Thoughts?

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