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Starting Legio Astorum for Adeptus Titanicus

Starting Legio Astorum for Adeptus Titanicus

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stating to paint and build the Titans

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 3
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I started with a black under coat followed with a light silver spray to give it a old metal look.


After checking what the other club members are playing, I decided to go with a Loyalist legion as there is a lot of Traitor players 😀

With that in mind I then looked at what Legion were around and decided on Legio Astorum due to liking there colours and because there are transfer sheets for them.

With that choice out of the way I got on with building the 4 titans over 2 day.


The armour plates and weapons were left off to make it easier to paint and I also plan to use magnets on the weapons.

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