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In a Hole in the Ground there Lived a Hobbit...

In a Hole in the Ground there Lived a Hobbit...

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Chimney's and Fences

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I took some Off Cuts and Scored Rough Bricks into them.I took some Off Cuts and Scored Rough Bricks into them.

I want to be Able to Transport these and If all the Tree’s, Chimneys and other Large Accessories can be Removed that will Make it Easier. So I decided that the Chimney’s will be a Temporary Feature Stuck in with a Toothpick When Needed.

The Chimney's were Painted Army Painter Dungeon GreyThe Chimney's were Painted Army Painter Dungeon Grey
These Large Popsicle Sticks From the $2 Shop Will be the Bases for My Fences.These Large Popsicle Sticks From the $2 Shop Will be the Bases for My Fences.
Lines were Marked at the Length of a Toothpick and Drilled out.Lines were Marked at the Length of a Toothpick and Drilled out.
The Toothpicks were then Fitted in and The Excess Cut Off. A Tight Fit Helps to Keep Everything StraightThe Toothpicks were then Fitted in and The Excess Cut Off. A Tight Fit Helps to Keep Everything Straight
The Toothpicks Were then Glued with PVAThe Toothpicks Were then Glued with PVA
Going Back to The Hobbit Hole. Two Coffee Stirrers Were Glued in Place to Give me a Solid Base to Work from Rather than  Ragged Cut. Then Small Square Wood Was Glues in Place. Only the End were Trimmed to any Degree Because they Tilted when Attached as a Whole.Going Back to The Hobbit Hole. Two Coffee Stirrers Were Glued in Place to Give me a Solid Base to Work from Rather than Ragged Cut. Then Small Square Wood Was Glues in Place. Only the End were Trimmed to any Degree Because they Tilted when Attached as a Whole.

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