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20mm modern wargaming

20mm modern wargaming

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Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 6
    I decided to do the bases quickly by just adding some sand and baking soda to give a look of rocks or debris over Sand. I did the flat top bases first which worked out well but the glue didn’t want to stick to the Caesar plastic so only the first of the standing fugures got any basing prior to priming. I will have to add the basing material and then reprime the rest of the standing figures after initial priming.

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marsniper27oriskanyDennis Smith Recent comment authors
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Dennis Smith
Dennis Smith

Hi mate, great project, something I have done in the past. I would be interested to know how you would paint these figures. With acrylic paints or with any paints the plastic which these figures are plastic injection with makes the paint flake even with varnish. A friend who is a pro painter said you need an undercoat that grips to the plastic to make the paint layers not flake off. But I will follow this project mate, I am always interested with people using these plastic figures for the hobby, I have boxes of them.

Cult of Games Member

Great work so far @marsniper27 – I have some 20mm Caesar miniatures, 40 US Moderns and 80 insurgents. Definitely reasonable price, although the plastic for me was a little soft (especially bendy weapons, etc) and of course I had to provide my own bases. My bases weren’t nearly as nice as yours are, though!

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