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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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Lets Talk Storage

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 8
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Having cool terrain is one thing. Having cool terrain that’s easily stored, now that’s where it’s at.

Space is always at a premium and what’s the point in going to all the effort to make cool stuff when its only going to get put on a shelf, dropped, smashed and basically wrecked.

If only there was a really useful storage solution…

RUB64 (Really Useful Box 64L) £16 but often on offer for around £12RUB64 (Really Useful Box 64L) £16 but often on offer for around £12

The Really Useful Boxes are well named. I use them for all sorts of things both hobby related and general stuff.

The problem I have with the 64L one though is that it’s too tall for the scenery to be stored efficiently and not got enough ground space to lay it all out.

Time to get creative with those DIY skills!

"Carpentry Standard: I reckon about 3 men, 12 days" - Justin McAuley

I figured out (by measuring) that I needed 10cm for the buildings and 17cm for the trees and the box had a depth of about 28cm. perfect!

I also figured out that I could get all the buildings on the top layer and the trees and other scatter on the bottom layer.

Tools used for this include a hand saw, an angle jig (45 degrees) thingy and a lot of mental power of the ‘how the heck will this work’ variety.

Looking good so far! time to start a Rocky style montage

OMG! look at how neat that is, I’m a chippy god! time to secure permanently

Mostly neat….well, ok its all gone awry but then i’m not a chippy and I didn’t take 12 days…

I didn’t have a corner jig to help hold it when I drilled and glued it but what I did have is a 3D printer (don’t know if you noticed that before with all the 3D printed stuff I have in this project) so I went onto thingiverse and made one of these!

AH COCK! that definitely fitted with the landing pad when I measured it. The bases must have grown whilst I made it in an attempt to foil me... Swines!AH COCK! that definitely fitted with the landing pad when I measured it. The bases must have grown whilst I made it in an attempt to foil me... Swines!

Ok so I clearly didn’t make a mistake here but am still going to have to find a work around. Thankfully the bunker will fit on the lower level with the trees (there goes the plan of making more tree bases – urgh!) so it will all still be safe, just not as safe as I hoped for.

Still, good enough for me though! Claiming ‘Victory!’ on this one!

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Well Done!

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