Auroras Cubic Champions
Rok Gemstalker
The fact that he has a chest and crystals ‘hidden’ inside him, is just one of the many amazing details I love about these minies. It could have been so boring painting cubes, but there’s always something there to catch the eye.
As always, mostly Scale75 unless otherwise noted.
Paint recipe:
Light rock: Rainy Grey, Agrax Earthshade(GW) + Nuln Oil (GW) 50/50
Dark Rock: Eclipse Grey, Agrax Earthshade(GW) + Nuln Oil (GW) 50/50
Q Sign: Nacar + Vallejo Metal Medium, Agrax Earthshade(GW) + Nuln Oil (GW) 50/50
Wood: Rotbraun Red, Agrax Earthshade(GW), SS Camo Medium Brown
Eyes: Flat Black, Antares Red, Vallejo Metal Medium
Blue Crystal: Adriatic Blue, Drakenhof Nightshade(GW), Titanium Wgite (Schmincke)
Green Crystal: Spring Green, Coelia Greenshade(GW), Titanium White
Yellow Crystal: Sol Yellow, Seraphim Sepia(GW), Titanium White(Schmincke)
Red Crystal: Fuchsia, Nuln Oil(GW), Titanium White(Schmincke)
Gold: Retributor Armor(GW), Agrax Earthshade)GW)
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