Collins Does Scarif Table Build
More 3D printing!
Ive finished printing some more bits and bobs!
the main item is a bunker. Its a key feature of the landing pad area so is a must on the build list.
Again I suffered from warping issues due to size. only on the lid/roof though but as you can see causes issues.
I ended up bodging this somewhat with fillers and will cover over with a bit of grout. it won’t be perfect but it will do.
Ive also decided to show the table in the mid state of battle. as such I need some craters fo show the explosions from the ground attack and AT-ACT fire.
I got these plans from They make some class not Star Wars but totally Star Wars stuff and they’re well done and easy to print. they are of course paid for files however. not expensive though. I recommend them.
the image below shows the craters mid print and the infilled pattern I’ve been using.
I get some warp on large prints, with my ender as well.
bases looking ok