Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon
Red monsters: finished
All the models started with a undercoat of mephiston red spray, followed by a mephoston red touch up and a carroburg crumson wash all over.
The Dragon of Thebes had its belly scales painted cadian fleshtone and then washed reikland fleshshade.
Druchii violet was applied in large dots along the Dragon’s back. Around each dot I left a gap and then painted another druchii violet ring. Everything outside these rings then got a wash of druchii violet. In this way I was able to leaver rings or red scales with the rest appearing darker.
The Dragon’s fangs were picked out with screming skull, and the eyes were painted flash gitz yellow and a technical pen was used to dray on the eye pupils.
The Phoenix was drybrushed evil sunz scarlet all over. Fiery orange was then drybrushed over the front 2/3 of the model. Finally flash gitz yellow was drybrushed over the front 1/3 of the models and the eyes were picked out in white scar.
The three hell judges had their clothes highlighted with evil sunz scarlet followed by wild rider red. Their metalic areas were basecoated screaming bell, washed reikland fleshshade and then highlighted hashut copper followed by sycorax bronze. The flesh areas were highlighted cadian fleshtone and then washed reikland fleshshade.
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