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Space Hulk: Flesh Tearers

Space Hulk: Flesh Tearers

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Initial builds

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 3
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I got hold of a copy of the re-release in 2014 (I think?) and despite playing it I’ve never got around to painting any of the minatures. I’ve been playing it a bit more recently and thought it would be cool to have a 3D board to play with. That’s a bit too big of a project to take on at the moment so I decided to re-create the Space Marine miniatures in my favourite ‘Red Thirst’ suffering chapter, the Flesh Tearers.

I’m a big fan of the cataphractii armour so have decided to field them in this. To recreate the squads I need to build and paint minatures armed in the following way;


storm bolter and chainfist x 1 Terminator

storm bolter and power fist x 5 Terminator

heavy flamer and power fist x 1 Terminator

assault cannon and power fist x 1 Terminator

twin lightning claws x 1 Terminator

sgt storm bolter and power sword x 1

sgt thunderhammer and storm shield

Librarian force axe and storm bolter


Initial wip, parts are just blu-tacked together for now.Initial wip, parts are just blu-tacked together for now.

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