Spring Cleaning Challenge: Imperial Guard (PROJECT COMPLETE!)
An Idea for Cavalry
I want the Galland Regiment to have some Cavalry but Horses don’t seem to fit for these guys.
Horses are great for a Dedicated Unit or for Mounted Infantry but if you’re going to be charging a Carnifex with a Lance that has Grenades strapped to it a horse might be a tad skittish.
So I found a WH Fantasy Plastic Dark Elf Cold One and a Napoleonic British Hussar, gave him a Turban.
The Rider is just a stand in it can be easily replaced but what about the mount? Is it in scale with the rider? Does it seem justifiable that a Human could ride around on a Cold One type Mount? Should I give them proper lances or just say the Hunting Lance Attack is the Cold One Pouncing on the enemy and give them swords or carbines instead.
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