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Building a city based on Venice

Building a city based on Venice

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Texturing the new tile

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Texturing the new tile

For texture:

The river -> use pva and use a mix of  tile grout-sand-small stones and use a lot of it so I because like a thick mud. Spray with pva-isopropyl and finish off with a spray of just isopropyl.

The side walls -> pva with a mix of sand and tile grout. Then use the sprays above.

The top -> glue the wall paper down with “No more nails” (this is amazing strong glue that can be used on foam. Hide the wall paper border with “no more nails” and a mix the tile grout and sand. Spray again with sprays above.

Texturing the new tile
Texturing the new tile
Texturing the new tile
Texturing the new tile
Texturing the new tile

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