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So this was my  chilled hobby for the day:

Built the remaining heroes from Blackstone Fortress (already had the Rogue Trader as I was perusing Ebay lots a few months ago) as I was weak and succumbed to the OTT shop special they had last weekend 😀

2019-05-05 17.40.36

(side note, the short story Man of Iron featuring UR-025 is quite, quite good…)

And my Infinity building for today. Been a while since I’ve built any of these but wanted to make a go of it as I do have quite the backlog of these minis, including last years JSA army box and the Operation  Coldfront starter… One of my local clubs is running an Infinity ITS event end of June so I think I might work towards that, just got to pick a force – thinking of Aleph or  Steel Phalanx, if only because I really want to run a list with both Achilles and Hector, and worked out those two, plus Patrocles, Ajax and a pair of Myrmidons plus a couple of Netrods is just under 300 points. Has god only knows  what chance of completing objectives, but in a straight up fight that’s a whole lot of beef to chew through.

2019-05-05 17.39.03

(left to right Rasyat Diplomatic Division, Asawira, Major Luna, Dart, and a Dasyus)

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