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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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Gathering Materials for the Palm Forest

Tutoring 8
Skill 5
Idea 6
1 Comment

I will be making some palm forest sections for this board. One of the things I found out from the Yavin IV build is that it was very easy to make the forest impenetrable so every tree/hedge becomes LOS and movement blocking. Need to avoid that here even though the reference pictures show the actuality to be very dense. Good news, that means less materials per item, keeping costs down or allowing for more terrain.


Materials Used

Tools Used

  • Clippers

  • Scapel

  • Tea Leaf Strainer (don't tell the wife!)

  • Electric Drill

  • 1.5mm and 3mm Drill Bits

  • Jigsaw

  • Dremel with sanding disks

  • DIY Workbench

  • PPE! goggles and mask

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Dennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Thanks for including the lists.

This helps a bunch if anyone is thinking of following along and trying their hand at making their own table like this.

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