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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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3D Print or Build by Hand?

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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I’m one of those lucky DINKies with an excess of disposable income and about a year ago I bought a Prusa i3Mk3 printer. I have found my journey into 3D printing to be a much smoother ride than Warren but then that is to be expected as the machine I bought from Prusa is far more expensive and reliable. That doesn’t mean that its been perfect though. I still have been frustrated, annoyed and used naughty words on occasion. Thankfully it’s been more positive than negative. Theres a lot to be said for ‘get what you pay for’ and ‘buy right, buy once’.

Thingiverse is a gold mine for cool Star Wars stuff and there is tonnes of scatter terrain like crates, bunkers, guns, vehicles. Some better than others, some very very naff. It is a real lottery, I just kept searching until I found users who are clearly skilled. There is also a few people on there who remix other peoples work, change one thing and publish it as theirs (with credits – usually) that don’t actually add any real value to the overall community. Also, I found that a lot of people model things and then don’t actually do a print test which means there models are generally very hard to work with as a novice.

Then there are other people who take it more seriously who have left thingiverse and started their own websites/services who’s models are excellent and easy to print. a lot more thought goes into these models than the stuff on thingiverse. ImperialTerrain being such a company.

With all that said, I will clearly be printing some items for this table. Some people would call this cheating, I call it smart. The hobby has had an evolution. Calligraphy is out and email is in!

There are still some items that cannot be 3D printed however. hills, palm trees and vegetation are all either hard to print or would be a waste of time/material. quicker and cheaper to use traditional methods.

The tree sections will be done using traditional methods. time to research exactly how to do it!

To YouTube!!

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