Collins Does Scarif Table Build
Rebellions are Built on Hope
And all battles need a plan.
This entry I hope to document some research and outline my plan going forward for this build.
Scarif is the name of the planet in Rogue One where the Empire keeps it’s off site digital backup. It’s a small idilic world that houses a big spire full of porn, several small outposts and landing pads that you can holiday to if your papers are in order and is only subjected to the occasional raid by the rebellion.
Although I feel that’s a good description more accurate fluff can be found on wookieepedia
In actuality the filmset for Scarif was the Maldives which is (I’m told) a wonderful place to drink cocktails. Knowing this however gives us an excellent frame of reference. White sandy beaches, palm trees, luscious tropical foresty bits!
Now for some snaps I have shamelessly stolen from the internet!

List of Minimum Requirements
Battlemat or board base
Palm Trees
Tropical Scatter
Landing Pad
Bunker of some form
Laser Turrets
Communications Uplink thingy
Generic Star Wars Scatter
Looking forward to seeing the final results!