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Dan's Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge

Dan's Spring Cleaning Hobby Challenge

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As Mel would say - let’s crack on!

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 0

I got a bit carried away so the stage pictures stopped there! As I was painting my mind was conjuring up the background and story of this character which I’ll write up after painting is done.

I can remember that the model was kitbashed out of a Skitarii Ranger Alpha, a Gaunt Summoner and a bit of a Tau drone from an old Kill Team starter set. I bought some “watch parts” (recasts) off eBay which I had planned to do something with for the base. I decide to go with a bit of a vortex as the drone tech levitated the preacher off the floor.

The base cogs were painted in a mix of silver, bronze and gold, heavily washed with Agrax Earthshade then smothered with Forge World rust and mud weathering powders.


The robes were worked up from Vallejo Burnt Umber through Hull Red and then a Hull Red / Scarlet mix. The rest is pretty standard with plenty of Agrax to grimdark it up.

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Dan (@DarkDanegan)halfmileduck Recent comment authors
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Fantastic work, thanks for sharing. I love the narrative you build into the models. Thanks for the base tips, will check them out too.

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