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Spring Cleaning Dwarfs

Spring Cleaning Dwarfs

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The Plan

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 9
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Step 1  Re-basing

I’m firmly in the round bases camp. I plan to mainly play Warlords of Erehwon with these. It doesn’t care about the base sizes and shapes, but since they don’t need to rank I might as well go with round. Aesthetically I prefer the low profile round bases, I use washers for practically all my minies. The added weight and possibility to store them on magnetic sheets is a nice bonus.

Step 2 quick touch ups

Some parts, such as metals, would benefit greatly from a nice dark wash and added highlights.

Step 3 Matt varnish

The finish on the current models is sort of semi-matt or satin. I much prefer properly matt finish. This will help improving the looks, dull down the extra shine from the washes and seal the new basing.

Step 4 finish the unpainted models

The most laborious step, and perhaps out of scope of Spring Cleaning is digging out all the unpainted models and adding them to the army.

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