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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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We're mostly caught up

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 6
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I realised I don’t have a proper photo for a couple of finished mice (Sooty and Bernard) so I will add those in the style of the previous entries.

Now we’re up to date though I’ll try to remember to take some photos as I paint up my next mini and hopefully show my process.

I’ve also got the wonderful Stoatbart set to finish, but since each character in that set has two minis (one pulling or riding the cart and one on foot) I’ll tackle those in pairs, so I’ll want a good run of sessions to ensure they are all to the same standard.

Since Fenton got himself killed by a dormouse last game I’ll be on the lookout for a new member of the warband. It’ll either be Fenton’s long-lost identical twin brother or a model I’m looking forward to painting: the hedgehog alchemist.

I like hedgehogs and inexplicably I didn’t get one the first time around, so I snuck one in originally to replace the useless Brother Weylon (I take it back!) but looks like I could use a bit more magic support for Montgomery.

Her model shows a few layers of clothing and a number of pouches for alchemy components so I think she’ll turn out to be quite a colourful model.

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