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Home Forums 3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming Is this too good to be true? Reply To: Is this too good to be true?


Cult of Games Member

I found the link :

*eep* … that does sound good, but they do appear to have found a way to have a lot of control over the position of the printhead.
The CnC bit might be a bit too gimmicky (switching heads to use a different sized tool may be impractical) and the ‘laser’ may not be too practical, but it is nice to have these options.

The one thing ‘missing’ is the feed system for the material … which is something that may break the system.

The low ‘funding level’ is pretty suspect though. OTOH their timeline shows that they only need to make the last hurdle : mass production

At $800 retail it’s not exactly cheap though.
OTOH … their choice to limit the number of backers means that they won’t run into problems if they over fund (a definite problem with many kickstarters).

Because this is a version 1 of their product I’d wait for the next iteration and real world tests by consumers.


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