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Spring Clean challenge/ Taking stock at castle Trewets

Spring Clean challenge/ Taking stock at castle Trewets

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Bonus to getting everything sorted

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On the back end of getting all the armies out of storage and photographed I now have a record of what I have and what needs finishing.

This ties in greatly with the motivation that ALL of us gamers suffer project fatigue.

I have started to prioritise my to do list.

I also have German Bolt Action figures to finish up for another project but these are already documented so am not adding them here.

skiptotheend also sent some cracking stuff for my other half’s nurgle army on the back of my another of Gerry’s great ideas

As she and I have a 40k subscription to the Conflict magazine.She has gone for the more grizzled looking nurgle army and I have taken the primaris marines to bolster my Dark Angels Chapter.

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