Pafetikbazerka's bad kitty and other Imperial nasties
Another quick one to the table top
over zenithed undercoat I’ve painetd all my dark areas a thin coat of citadel eshin grey and all the red areas a thin coat of mephiston red and added some basic highlights by lifting the mephiston with a little evil sunz scarlet.
I found the process of relying on washes a bit unsettling. I can take quite few washes before things start looking like it should and though there isnt much brush time there is a lot of waiting for stuff to dry. I only used 3 washes , a black, a purple and a dark brown red and had to do wash wash moring , lunch, and night when I was home to do so.
Finishing touches include new base, some selective dry leadbelcher knocked back with a black wash and some selective gloss varnish in keeping with shiny Starwars feel.
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