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Old Witch's Dancing Hut

Old Witch's Dancing Hut

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Getting a leg up

Tutoring 8
Skill 11
Idea 9

Let’s be honest here, the original model has a gigantic problem. PP decided to make the legs in their usual resin. Not the best choice of course if you have a lot of weight balanced on those chicken legs. Which gets even worse when they decide to use a less than perfect mixture for the resin.

Sadly, this is what has happened here, Multiple people have been complaining about the legs bending under the weight of the model. Usually, they only fin out that they have faulty legs once the entire thing is glued together. Not wanting to take the risk of having to completely disassemble my model again, I decided to pin the legs completely.

Getting a leg up

Drilling all the way through the legs certainly isn’t easy. I had to drill from both ends, guesstimating the angle so the 2 parts would touch. After a lot of teeth gnashing it worked though. Instead of brass rod, I used steel rod this time. It is a horrible material to work with (I had to buy a power tool just to be able to cut it), but the legs ended up stronger than I would ever have expected.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. So I put the whole thing together, balanced it on its base and let it sit for a week to see if everything would be sturdy enough.

And lo and behold, the basis shape and structure ready.

Time to start detailing the thing

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Cult of Games Member

You finished off the entry with “Time to start detailing the thing”? I feel quite weak in my hobby skill right now. Very well done so far.

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