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Slot Cars.. Kinda off topic but not really.

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  jjgrubb 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Okay so a quick background, I had some cheap set as a kid, it wasnt much, certainly wasnt fancy but it was fun, no idea where it went. When watching an episode of James Mays Toy Stories during the week I kinda rediscovered slot cars remembering that there was an “adult version” (for lack of a better term) that I never got to experiance myself and the more I look into it the more Id love to dabble…

    I say dabble but this is hobby we all know where these curiosities lead.

    Anyway I’ve not touched anything in this since the 80’s (at a guess) to the magnets and everything is all new to me, let alone the digital stuff, do we have any members thats explored slot cards in the modern day? Anyone by chance still into it, Im just trying to research before I buy anything.


    Cult of Games Member

    Its not quite slot cars but have you had a look at this:

    My nephews have this is and its great fun and you play up to 4 people at once if you have the extra cars but you do need a smart phone each


    Cult of Games Member

    Thats actually pretty impressive from watching their video. I am more interested in the Scalextric & Carrera type sets though at the moment



    you should ask @warzan he was looking at some stuff recently for his own personal amusement


    Cult of Games Member

    We built a massive set years ago at Dragonslayers Cars had  interchangeable gears and tyres . We had great fun


    Cult of Games Member

    @warzan did you end up making a decision on this area?


    Cult of Games Member

    I bought myself a digital setup from Jadlam last year for nostalgia but also cos I was interested to try the digital stuff and it is good fun.



    I have a collection of both the older stuff and some of the slightly newer digital stuff.  You can actually buy adaptor to use any of the track interchangeably.  While I properly love it I have to be honest – the slightly newer digital stuff is better.  Easier to set up, maintain, and runs way more smoothly.  However as I said it’s all interchangeable.  Some of the older cars have wider connectors and don’t run well on the digital stuff.

    If your really want to get into it you can pick up some fairly large job lots for not a lot of money. eBay, Gumtree etc.

    For it to be properly fun you need a good few sets to make a longer track. A single set is just not long enough to be properly fun


    Cult of Games Member

    Slightly off topic but I kinda think slot car racing feels kinda relevant.

    It has both craft and game elements.


    Cult of Games Member

    That was my thought too actually.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve found out a day or so ago that a friend of mine actually owns a Carrera Go track and a Scalextric Track (as well as some cars) so my first purchase will be a car for each so practice without risking my friends cars when I inevitably have an off. Given how green I am I know itll happen and Id rather not feel guilty for maybe breaking someone elses stuff.

    I need to clean out the garage so I can then begin to plan the table I want to build/buy


    Cult of Games Member

    Purchased my first car yesterday, this is only a Carrera Go car and ultimately I want to go 1/32 scale but this lets me have some fun with a mate as I relearn skills without damaging his cars.58419241_10156437468987921_7517292584570454016_n


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi folks,

    So Saturday I finally went out to a local-ish slotcar store named Mr Slotcar, purchased myself a 1/32 Carrera Car that I loved the look of and threw it on their wooden track.

    Came off a number of times (which I was expecting) the spoiler came off and a mirror at one point but thankfully I found both pieces, the roof has a lot more scratched than you can see here. Really glad I did this. I also have another coming in the mail and the plans for my first conversion, going to turn a sports car into a Ute 😉


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