Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon
Hydra, Medusa and Basilisk: part 1
All three models began with an undercoat of death guard green spray. The basilisk and hydra were then washed coelia greenshade, while the medusa was washed athonian camoshade. The hydra’s fins and faces were then washed with druchii violet, as were the basilisk’s mouth.
The basilisk and hydra’s green areas were drybrushed goblin green followed by skarsnik green.
The hydra’s chest, basilisks underside and rattle, and Medusa’s front scales were drybrushed ushabti bone, washed seraphim sepia and then given a light drybrush of screaming skull.
The talons, fangs and spines were layered ushabti bone, washed agrax earthshade then highlighted screaming skull.
Medusa’s skin was basecoated bugman’s glow, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted cadian felshtone followed by kislev flesh.
Medusa’s bow, arrow, quiver and leather was basecoated mournefang brown, washed agrax earthshade then highlighted skrag brown.
Medusa’r bracers and girdle were painted retributor armour washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted auric armour gold.
The hydra and basilisk’s eyes were painted abaddon black.
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