Star Wars: Legion – Ride Dewbacks To Quell Rebel Scum

April 9, 2019 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games might be heading to The Clone Wars soon for Star Wars: Legion, but in the meantime, you still have new options for those who love the classic trilogy. Well, and Rogue One. Check out this preview of the Imperial Shoretroopers.

Imperial Shoretroopers - Fantasy Flight Games

Created to defend an installation on the planet of Scarif, these soldiers might have thought they were getting a nice tropical island to explore, but the work there is tough and they always have to be on their toes when it comes to defending against Rebel insurgents.

Imperial Shoretroopers Models - Fantasy Flight Games

As well as bringing a set of upgraded weaponry, as due to their station, they also have a high powered T-21B. They even have a mortar, should the Rebels be escaping, or you just like blowing things up.

This set looks great and you could do a lot with the paint schemes too. Whilst they might have found themselves engaged in battle on Scarif, there's plenty of ways to take them further afield.

Imposing Riders

While these fellows are hanging out on the beach, you will soon be able to snag yourself a Dewback Rider. These chaps were seen riding through the sands of Tatooine and make for an imposing addition to your Galactic Empire force.

Dewback Rider - Fantasy Flight Games

As with other mounted elements of Star Wars: Legion, the riders are dangerous but the beasts pack a brutal punch. There are a number of different choices for those mounting up on a Dewback including a rifle for picking off targets at a distance or a flamethrower.

I quite like the idea of using the Dewback Rider as a mounted sniper option. You could have them clamber up onto hard to reach terrain and then provide covering fire from on high. Then, if the enemy does come to get you, unleash the claws!

"I quite like the idea of using the Dewback Rider as a mounted sniper option..."

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