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Civil War Campaign: Confederates

Civil War Campaign: Confederates

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Prelude to Burn's Farm

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 5
Captain Jeremiah A. D. Bell on the LeftCaptain Jeremiah A. D. Bell on the Left
Prelude to Burn's Farm
The Maps were MergedThe Maps were Merged
Prelude to Burn's Farm

While moving through the area Ms. Elizabeth (Who Lt. Schneider had saved from deserters) purchased food from the locals and was warned of a strange man who had been sleeping in the Farm’s Barn for the past few days.

He had come to the farm shortly after the Battle of Manassas and many of the local women did not trust him.

After relaying this information to Captain Bell men were sent to detain the man and they did so. However before any interrogation could begin Yankee Troops made their way down the main road.

As the Confederate troops approached the Farm no one could tell them who owned the farm. It was apparently the property of a man now living in Texas who simply allowed tenants to live on it for rent and was a very distant landlord.

As the following report will show the farm became known by both sides as “Burns Farm”…..

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Elessar2590pslemonoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

More great campaign work, @elessar2590 – I was going to ask … this looks like a “Missouri” or even north Texas kind of “fringe” campaign with small actions, personal stories, etc. But then I see where one of the officers belongs to the Stonewall Brigade, part of Army of Northern Virginia. Is this basically a “fictional” narrative campaign? Either way, great job!


I love Civil War content and stories. Does the project show as “cancelled?”

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