Mythic Battles: Pantheon by lawnor
Hell Warriors and Hell Hounds
I already typed this up once, but it all vanished when I clicked Update and it doesn’t appear to be coming back. The system’s idea of an April Fools joke, I assume. Anyway, here’s the colour schemes used
Undead Flesh:
Base with P3 Thrall Flesh, then apply a wash of P3 Beaten Purple, followed by a wash of P3 Battledress Green. once dry make a wash from P3 Coal Black and P3 Beaten Purple and only apply this to the deepest and darkest areas. Drybrush highlight with P3 Thrall Flesh, and a final peak highlight with a mix of Menoth White base and Thrall Flesh.
I also put 3-4 coats of a P3 Ryn Flesh glaze on the noses of the hounds. Dunno if it is too strong or not.
Tatters/Bindings: base with P3 Trollblood Highlight, wash with GW Agrax Earthshade, and highlight with P3 Menoth White Base.
Black Cloth: Base with VMC 70.995 German Grey, drybrush with P3 Menoth White Base, and then wash with GW Nuln Oil.
The weapons were painted the same as earlier models. The chains got a coat of P3 Pig Iron, washed with GW Nuln Oil, and highlighted with P3 Cold Steel.
The Halos were base coated with Darkstar Blackened Bronze and drybrushed with Darkstar Bronze. They were given two washes of Secret Weapon Sewer Water, and then highlighted with bronze.
The glow areas were given two watery coats of white paint. I then painted their middles with P3 mouldy Ochre. Not because I want them that colour, but because it is a very rare yellow in that it has good coverage so make for a good undercoat. I painted over that yellow with a brighter one (Coat d’Arms 103 Sun Yellow) and then washed the areas with a vibrant red (Com Art 1.049 Permanent Red), hoping it would pool around the edges and mostly leave the middles alone. It didn’t quite work out. The pupils of the Warriors were picked out in Sun Yellow again.
Everything was varnished to protect it, and the lanterns (?) were given a final coat of gloss.
These models pretty much painted themselves. I started work on Friday after work, and had them done and varnished by 9pm Sunday and I went to the cinema and pretty much lost both morning to a toddler who likes to rearrange my paint pots while I paint and has started spinning the office chair I am sat in painting. He also rather helpfully reset my alarm clock and I almost didn’t notice!
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