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Dropfleet meets dropzone

Dropfleet meets dropzone

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Project Blog by LordSanes Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 7

About the Project

This is my first project on Beasts of war. I'm trying to create a linked force of the starter sets for both dropfleet and dropzone.

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Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
1 Comment

Managed to get the scourge mostly painted now. I just need to paint the lasers a different colour, I’m thinking white, and they are good to go. I based the paint off the fiddler beetle. I just really liked the colours and in pretty happy how it came out.

Fiddler beetleFiddler beetle

Here’s how the ships came out. I have no idea how I’m going to paint the tanks etc to match these but itll be fun to attempt.



Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 3

One of the things I love about dropfleet is how ot could feed into dropzone and the narrative possibilities of it. I could the starter set for both dropfleet and dropzone and went about assembling both sets.


I got the dropfleet first so I already had the UCM painted and ready.

UCM fleetUCM fleet

I like the look of the metallic ships I’ve seen elsewhere but I wanted something different so went with white and blue (white is the worst to paint).

For the scourge I based them on a picture I found of a beetle. I wanted to make them a bit .ore colourful than the standard paintjob. I’ve done a little of this but still need to paint the green stripe

Current starlet of the scourgeCurrent starlet of the scourge

Here are the dropzone minis they haven’t even been based yet but once I’ve done it I can get to matching the colour scheme. Made a few mistakes with the build of the UCM but nothing too obvious.


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