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Blood Bowl! Couldn't resist painting the classic teams.

Blood Bowl! Couldn't resist painting the classic teams.

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The Gouged Eye Thrower.

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I’ve decided that i cant paint the teams in any other livery than the Gouged Eye and the Reikland Reavers.  Unimaginative i know, but having looked at some painted examples on google they look the nuts.

There is a guide in the back of the Blood Bowl rule book for both team. This gave me a starter for ten on the base colours, but i mostly prefer vallejo paints and i wanted to improve on the somewhat simplified schemes from the book.

The main boxed set contains two teams of twelve. Each team consists of two sets of six models. I started base colouring the orcs…and quickly decided that i’ll probably only bother with one set of six from either team….

Once i base coloured the entire six orc side ( paints to be announced) i got carried away and decided to paint the thrower as a test miniature….i didn’t record the process but i’ll attempt to summarise as i go along with the rest of the team…..Here is #1 from the Gouged eye….OAF KNEEBREAKA!!!!


I’m moving on to the Black Orc Blocker. But this time i’ll record how i got there…

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