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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 23/02/2019 – Here we go!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 23/02/2019 – Here we go! Reply To: Hobby Weekender 23/02/2019 – Here we go!


Cult of Games Member

Happy Hobby time folks 🙂

> 1. Regale us with an anecdote from a game where you really hadn’t earned the win but it was handed to you by a lucky card or die roll.

*eh* that would mean I had to win something at all …

> 2. What is one instance where a hobby company has come through with an idea or concept that just blew you away?

Dropfleet Commander

A game set in space that did several good things :

  • fights happen at a logical location : next to the planet
  • it respects the size of space
  • not too technical
  • great miniatures

The link to their Dropzone commander was an interesting aspect as well.


3. Transformers the Miniatures Game – Could it ever work?

Why not ?
I think the tricky part is picking a scale that does justice to the transformers while still allowing their vehicle modes to be useful.

I was thinking of the A-team recently … it would be kind of cool to see it done with a bit more realism.
The only problem is that their DIY inventions are unlikely to work in a realistic setting, but it wouldn’t be the same if they couldn’t use improvised weapons & vehicles either.

Pledge wise I think I will look at creating a list for AoS. The Gloomspite Gitz look so cool that I want to build them.

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