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Aurorainbags Dunkeldorf

Aurorainbags Dunkeldorf

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Tutoring 12
Skill 17
Idea 15
I think she's my favorite so far. The fact that she had scraped her knee on one side, made it easy to decide she was bleeding through her bandages on the other leg. I also wanted her to stand out a little, and not be too grey and brown. So went for yellow cloth and made her staff a little 'done up'. She might look grumpy, but she's a softy on the inside, in my version of Dunkeldorf.I think she's my favorite so far. The fact that she had scraped her knee on one side, made it easy to decide she was bleeding through her bandages on the other leg. I also wanted her to stand out a little, and not be too grey and brown. So went for yellow cloth and made her staff a little 'done up'. She might look grumpy, but she's a softy on the inside, in my version of Dunkeldorf.

All paints are Scale75 unless otherwise noted

paint recipe:
Skin: Basic Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade (GW), Basic Flesh + Mojave White
yellow: Gelbraun Brown, Mojave White
Chainmail: Leadbelcher (GW), Nuln Oil + reikland Fleshshade (GW), Leadbelcher
Light Leather: SS Camo grey Brown, Agrax Earthshade (GW), SS Camo grey Brown + Mojave White, Agrax Earthshade (GW and yes, again)
Red leather: Camo red Brown + Rotbraun Primer Red, Agrax Earthshade
Poison: Camo Medium Green, Agrax Earthshade, Autumn Green

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Cult of Games Member

There all nicely done

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