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Aurorainbags Dunkeldorf

Aurorainbags Dunkeldorf

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Project Blog by aurorainbag

Recommendations: 470

About the Project

My take on the gorgeous Dunkeldorf miniatures from King Games.

This Project is Completed


Tutoring 12
Skill 18
Idea 15
No Comments
It really wasn't all that easy choosing which character to begin with, but in the end I chose Günther. Cause I just love his hat! <3 And the little brush hanging from his belt, is just an amazing attention to detail. It really wasn't all that easy choosing which character to begin with, but in the end I chose Günther. Cause I just love his hat! <3 And the little brush hanging from his belt, is just an amazing attention to detail.

All paints are Scale75 unless othewise noted

Paint recipe:
Skin: Basic Flesh, Deep Blue + basic Flesh, basic Flesh + Sand Yellow + Mojave white, reikland Fleshshade (GW).
Greens: SS Camo halion Green, Petroleum Grey, Sand Yellow
Fur: Brown Grey, Nacat
White: Nacar, nacar + Rotbraun Primer red, Titanium White (Schmincke)
beard: Rotbraun Primer Red, Agrax Earthshade (GW), Orange Leather, sand Yellow
Black: Petroleum grey, Mojave White, Nuln Oil
Shoes_ Walnut, Agrax Erathshade (GW), Walnut


Tutoring 12
Skill 18
Idea 15
1 Comment
I wanted Herman to really stand out, so went for a high contrast using purples and yellows. I think his cloak ended up looking a little 'bathrobe' like. But I bet he doesn't care :pI wanted Herman to really stand out, so went for a high contrast using purples and yellows. I think his cloak ended up looking a little 'bathrobe' like. But I bet he doesn't care :p

All paints are Scale75 unless otherwise noted

Paint recipe:
Skin: Olivegrün Green, Pink Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade (GW), Pink Flesh + Mojave White
Purple: Black Leather, Flat Black, Black Leather + Mojave White
Coat: SS Camo Ocher + Nacar, Reikland Fleshshade (GW), Nacar, Orange Leather
Inside Cloak: rainey Grey, Orange Leather, Druchii Violet (GW), Nuln Oil (GW)
Fur: Brown Gray, Nuln Oil, nacar
Gem: Deep Blue + Nacar, Titanium White (Schmincke), Retributor Armor (GW), Reikland Fleshshade (GW), Stormhost Silver (GW)


Tutoring 12
Skill 17
Idea 15
I think she's my favorite so far. The fact that she had scraped her knee on one side, made it easy to decide she was bleeding through her bandages on the other leg. I also wanted her to stand out a little, and not be too grey and brown. So went for yellow cloth and made her staff a little 'done up'. She might look grumpy, but she's a softy on the inside, in my version of Dunkeldorf.I think she's my favorite so far. The fact that she had scraped her knee on one side, made it easy to decide she was bleeding through her bandages on the other leg. I also wanted her to stand out a little, and not be too grey and brown. So went for yellow cloth and made her staff a little 'done up'. She might look grumpy, but she's a softy on the inside, in my version of Dunkeldorf.

All paints are Scale75 unless otherwise noted

paint recipe:
Skin: Basic Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade (GW), Basic Flesh + Mojave White
yellow: Gelbraun Brown, Mojave White
Chainmail: Leadbelcher (GW), Nuln Oil + reikland Fleshshade (GW), Leadbelcher
Light Leather: SS Camo grey Brown, Agrax Earthshade (GW), SS Camo grey Brown + Mojave White, Agrax Earthshade (GW and yes, again)
Red leather: Camo red Brown + Rotbraun Primer Red, Agrax Earthshade
Poison: Camo Medium Green, Agrax Earthshade, Autumn Green

Linus Witzner

Tutoring 13
Skill 16
Idea 16
1 Comment
Linus Witzner
Linus Witzner

I can’t begin to describe how incredibly honored I am that Linus has been given ‘my name’. So the minute my pledge arrived, he was the first to be painted. And what an absolute joy to paint. The details are amazing, and there’s still enough ‘flat’ areas to add your own touch.

After watching Kujo Paintings tartan tutorial: I decided to spice up his coat on the inside. Wanna get better with my freehand, and this was the perfect excuse. So while not following the tutorial to the letter, I really like the end result, with the amount of time I put into it.

Also wanted a more ‘textured’ feel to the outside of the coat, so did a little stipling, And really like the soft feel it added.

Have been buying some terrain scatter stuff, like fireplaces and the like. And wanted to use it as backdrop for my Dunkeldorf stuff, but haven’t gotten around to paint any of it yet. So did feel a little sad, it would be another ‘portrait’ image. Until I realized I had the perfect furniture of all times. Hero Quest!

(yes! I do realise he’s on a wooden floor base, and it’s stone on the terrain. Haven’t received the wooden flooring for this terrain yet)

Paint recipe. As always mostly Scale75 unless otherwise noted

  • Skin: Corpse Pale (AP), Harvester Flesh, Felsh Wash (AP), Basic Flesh, Moonray Flesh
  • Eyes: Moonray Flesh + White Sands, Nuln Oil (GW), Innsmouth Blue, SS Dunkelgelb 44
  • Tartan: Deep Red, Mars Orange, SS Dunkelgelb 44, Nacar
  • Shirt & Trousers: SS Dunkelgelb 44, Nuln Oil (GW), Nacar
  • Coat: SS Dunkelgelb 44, Corpse Pale (AP)
  • Leather: Brown Leather, Strong Tone (AP), SS Camo Top Lights
  • Yellow: SS Camo Ocher Brown, Flesh Wash (AP), SS Camo Top Lights
  • Metal: Victorian Brass, Strong Tone (AP), Elven Gold
  • Socks: Thar Brown, Flesh Wash (AP), Corpse Pale (AP)
Close ups of the tartan. Really please with the outcome for how quickly it was to makeClose ups of the tartan. Really please with the outcome for how quickly it was to make
Linus Witzner

Dunkeldorf - Prancing Peacock Gifts

Tutoring 7
Skill 15
Idea 13

I was gifted some early miniatures for the second Dunkeldorf Kickstarter. Beautiful sculpts, with great details and so so sooooo much character. I could go on about the high detail level, the fantastic customer service and the amazing people behind this project. But if you take away just one thing from Dunkeldorf, it should be that these are amazing miniatures in all their ‘normal-ness’. They have fat bellies, scars, hunched backs, drooping breasts. Their not ‘heroic adventures’, just people trying to carve a life for themselves in the town of Dunkeldorf. And I seriously love that <3

Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts
Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts
Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts
Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts
Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts
Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts
Dunkeldorf  - Prancing Peacock Gifts

Summer Vacation Linus

Tutoring 7
Skill 14
Idea 11
No Comments

I love and adore Linus. And not just because he bears my name. I seriously love the figure in and off itself. So I might have bought quite a few of him. And while he looks absolutely stunning in his original form, here’s the guy going off on summer vacation. Even servants need a little time off now and then.

And not only is he standing there, enjoying the soft cool breeze, drinking something alcoholic. He is also waiting for his date to show……

Didn’t do much to him really. Sculpted a hat out of green stuff, cut off the candle and glued on a tiny glass. Which has broken off so many times it now sits wonky. But I’m putting that down to Linus being drunk. Lastly I drilled away the keys, and added some flowers. Pretty pleased with how he ended up. Quite annoyed with hos difficult it was to take a picture of his face. Think the shadows from the hat just completely messed up my phones capabilities to do a decent job.

Also, yes, it is fully intentional that he has a quite unhealthy skin tone. He’s slowly developing a background story here, and that plays a part of it.

Summer Vacation Linus
Summer Vacation Linus
Summer Vacation Linus
Summer Vacation Linus
Summer Vacation Linus

Günther's out on a date too

Tutoring 7
Skill 12
Idea 10
No Comments
Günther's out on a date too
Günther's out on a date too

I have an entire ‘backstory’ for my Dunkeldorfians. I’m toying with the idea of getting them on the table for a skirmish game somehow, and the narrative is kinda important for me. Nana pointed out that Günther could easily be converted to carry a bouquet of flowers too, which actually fits my story perfectly. So here he is.

Project Dunkeldorf Shelf

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

I have a lot of Carnevale stuff. Like A lot a lot! But I never play Carnevale, so it’s just ‘there’. All glued together in boxes, unused and unloved.
I also have a lot of Dunkeldorf stuff. Like A lot a lot! But I don’t use minies in my rpg games, and I don’t have a skirmish game for them. So they’re in boxes, unused and unloved.

Which I think is quite silly.

So, introducing Project Dunkeldorf Shelf. Cleared out a whole shelf of board games, and started building a part of Dunkeldorf, Venetian Edition. I kinda like it. While I would have preferred the medieval look for the Dunkeldorfians, I think this actually works now.

Clearly it’s very much a work in progress. And it’s already changed from when I took these pictures, to writing this text. Parts of the town has been raised, buildings moved etc. And a short shopping list has been compiled (cause off course I have to go shopping for more stuff, like I wasn’t already drowning in mdf buildings).

Long term I wanna raise the entire city somewhat, have big sewer pipes coming out from under the city, spilling water into the canal. I want at least one of those to be big enough for some daylight-avoiding characters to lurk in.

I want some light above the town. Thinking adding some LED’s to the shelf above. And get a print somehow, of a background, to blend it in more. So it’s not just a ‘city on a shelf’.

The two ‘pretty buildings’ to the right will be changed for at least one nice big one, to be Herman’s residency. Stairs going from the various levels (now that part of the town is raised). Maybe some stairs leading down into the water perhaps.

The corner building in the back right is gonna be the Prancing Peacock. Since it has that big open ‘serving window’, I want the inside to be decorated with furniture and people too.

So not gonna get bored anytime soon, considering only one building so far has been painted 😀

Project Dunkeldorf Shelf
Project Dunkeldorf Shelf
Project Dunkeldorf Shelf
Project Dunkeldorf Shelf
Project Dunkeldorf Shelf

The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8

The third kickstarter for Dunkeldorf is ongoing as I write this, and I’ve been gifted some of the amazing minies for this one. Now I’m a huge Dunkeldorf (and Kinggames) fan, but I truly think Nana and Nicki have outdone themselves this time. Every detail is cared for. Every figure having a ‘place’ in the universe. So great to see the people behind this moving from strength to strength.

I’ve been gifted with some of this kickstarters characters. And once again, they’ve been a pure joy to paint. From Sven’s facial expression, Lenny’s ‘casual’ pose, Barik’s amazing tummy to Mariks fierce smirk and Claudia’s beutiful crossbow. I’m in love <3 And not sure I can ever do these beautiful characters justice. But that does not diminish my joy of painting them 🙂

The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf
The Kingpin of Dunkeldorf

Dunkeldorf Shelf: Above all else

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Another of the 'broken down' buildings completed. No specific order I wanna do these in. This one was chose cause I wanted to use it for some of the Kingpin kickstarter pictures. Added one of the lanterns from teh Dunkeldorf 2 kickstarter. Another of the 'broken down' buildings completed. No specific order I wanna do these in. This one was chose cause I wanted to use it for some of the Kingpin kickstarter pictures. Added one of the lanterns from teh Dunkeldorf 2 kickstarter.
Love this little terrace. Decided the window here was never in use, so vines has been 'allowed' to grow over the door.Love this little terrace. Decided the window here was never in use, so vines has been 'allowed' to grow over the door.
I've raised the 'better parts' of the city. Wanting to give off the impression that the rich and mighty really do look down on the poor. Gonna replace the 'bottom layer' with foam later on. Wanna make it look like rough stones with a sewer pipe sticking out somewhere. But that is a project far into the future.I've raised the 'better parts' of the city. Wanting to give off the impression that the rich and mighty really do look down on the poor. Gonna replace the 'bottom layer' with foam later on. Wanna make it look like rough stones with a sewer pipe sticking out somewhere. But that is a project far into the future.
The newly finished building in it's environment.The newly finished building in it's environment.
Turning this area into a market place. The walls 'shielding' the customers from the 'dirt' below. Stairs leading down will be added at a later point. And probably have a Dunkeldorf guard on watch duty just about there at all times.Turning this area into a market place. The walls 'shielding' the customers from the 'dirt' below. Stairs leading down will be added at a later point. And probably have a Dunkeldorf guard on watch duty just about there at all times.
I'm already regretting this, but I've also started to add 'scatter' pieces all over. To make it all come alive. It does make it a bit of a pain every time I want to do changes. But I don't think this project will ever really be finished, and in the mean time it might as well look as fun and interesting as possible.I'm already regretting this, but I've also started to add 'scatter' pieces all over. To make it all come alive. It does make it a bit of a pain every time I want to do changes. But I don't think this project will ever really be finished, and in the mean time it might as well look as fun and interesting as possible.

Kingpin stretch goal: Jenny

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9

The Kingpin kickstarter is going incredibly well, with so many stretch goals being unlocked super fast. Here I’ve painted one of the: Jenny, Lenny’s kid. She’s so cute, with that smirk on her face.  And teh fact that her pants are torn here and there, is such a great detail. Makes her feel so much more alive.

I’ve also painted some of the Dunkeldorf Botany pieces, but only used them as scatter pieces in these pictures. That said, It’s amazing how much some flower pots and bottles add to a scene.

Kingpin stretch goal: Jenny
Kingpin stretch goal: Jenny

Hermans new home

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
Wasn't happy with the two 'pretty houses' on my Dunkelshelf. And I needed the stairs down into the poor parts of my Dunkeldorf. So a quick shopping spree laterWasn't happy with the two 'pretty houses' on my Dunkelshelf. And I needed the stairs down into the poor parts of my Dunkeldorf. So a quick shopping spree later
The two boring houses, that has now been torn down and the residents 'relocated' to make room for Hermans new home.The two boring houses, that has now been torn down and the residents 'relocated' to make room for Hermans new home.
Due to the way the house is placed on the shelf, it's kinda the more 'boring' side of the house that's seen. Even once the 'decorative cardstock' is added, it still looks a little empty.Due to the way the house is placed on the shelf, it's kinda the more 'boring' side of the house that's seen. Even once the 'decorative cardstock' is added, it still looks a little empty.
But one of the things I got in the Carnevale kickstarter was these extra windows. So I am adding one of these to the side (here it's just attached with bluetack), to add more interest.But one of the things I got in the Carnevale kickstarter was these extra windows. So I am adding one of these to the side (here it's just attached with bluetack), to add more interest.
House in its place, but still without the cardstock details. Removing the two smaller houses also adds room for some more scatter pieces. I am considering a statue maybe. House in its place, but still without the cardstock details. Removing the two smaller houses also adds room for some more scatter pieces. I am considering a statue maybe.

Building the Palanquin - Part 1

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
I couldn't find any instruction files for building the Palanquin. It's not that difficult really, but in case anyone can use it, here's how I went about it.I couldn't find any instruction files for building the Palanquin. It's not that difficult really, but in case anyone can use it, here's how I went about it.
A – The seat. Super simple, just glue A1 + A2 + A3 on top of each other. A1 and A2 align easily on top of each other. For A3, align it to the back, but so the little 'tab' is still free.A – The seat. Super simple, just glue A1 + A2 + A3 on top of each other. A1 and A2 align easily on top of each other. For A3, align it to the back, but so the little 'tab' is still free.
B – The frame  I start by bending the lower part of B3. Doing this now will make your life so much easier later on. B – The frame I start by bending the lower part of B3. Doing this now will make your life so much easier later on.
Then I glue one of the sides to B3. Doesn't really matter which one. Then follow up with the seat. Not much to note here, other than make sure the nicely detailed 'cushion' of the seat is up :). Last I add the other side of the frame.Then I glue one of the sides to B3. Doesn't really matter which one. Then follow up with the seat. Not much to note here, other than make sure the nicely detailed 'cushion' of the seat is up :). Last I add the other side of the frame.
D - Back details. Not entirely sure if this should be aligned with the seat or a little above. But I like it best down at the seat, so that's what I did.D - Back details. Not entirely sure if this should be aligned with the seat or a little above. But I like it best down at the seat, so that's what I did.
 C – the bottom. Glue the two bottom pieces back to back, so the details are showing on both sides. This way, if you want to 'topple over' the palanquin, it will show some nice details on the bottom, while still retaining the same pretiness on the inside. C – the bottom. Glue the two bottom pieces back to back, so the details are showing on both sides. This way, if you want to 'topple over' the palanquin, it will show some nice details on the bottom, while still retaining the same pretiness on the inside.
E – Front frame. Last piece of the frame. Just get the details on the front and you're good.E – Front frame. Last piece of the frame. Just get the details on the front and you're good.

Building the Palanquin - part 2

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
Building the Palanquin - part 2
F – Details. Again, super easy, barely an inconveinience. I added the two sides first, then the front and lastly the back. But honestly the order of which you do this doesn't matter. I'm a little dissapointed the front doesn't cover up where the frame has been glued together. So I think I'm gonna add a layer of plastic putty or something, to make it more smooth.F – Details. Again, super easy, barely an inconveinience. I added the two sides first, then the front and lastly the back. But honestly the order of which you do this doesn't matter. I'm a little dissapointed the front doesn't cover up where the frame has been glued together. So I think I'm gonna add a layer of plastic putty or something, to make it more smooth.
G – Handlebars. Glue two and two together, making sure any details are always on the outside, so they can be seen from any angle. I glued them on just below the window details. Didn't want to cover that up. Again, not entirely sure that's the right place. But it works for me.G – Handlebars. Glue two and two together, making sure any details are always on the outside, so they can be seen from any angle. I glued them on just below the window details. Didn't want to cover that up. Again, not entirely sure that's the right place. But it works for me.
H – the roof Last is the roof. I will carefully bend it into shape, but I won't glue it on until the insides of the palanquin has been painted.H – the roof Last is the roof. I will carefully bend it into shape, but I won't glue it on until the insides of the palanquin has been painted.

Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

Yeah, I know. Johannes is missing an arm (and a really nice torch, attached to that arm). I wanted to paint her sub-assembly style. So told myself, I’ll just put that arm right over there. Now, it’s not like the arm is missing. I mean…it’s right there. It’s just that I no longer remember where there is (to quote Terry Pratchet). Still, she’s such an amazing figure (look at those details, wow!), even without her arm. So decided to finish her. Right now I’m toying with the idea of either ordering an extra Johannes and get her, her arm. Or maybe green sculpt some bandages on her, to make it look like she’s simply missing that arm.

Uwe is pretty straight forward. But so much fun to paint. Wanted him colourful, but at the same time, his clothes shouldn’t look straight out the seamstress’ shop. The coulours are a little ‘washed out’ on the photo, making the cute seashells on his shoes blend in with his skintone. It’s a shame, cause in RL that detail is just perfect.

Got Hermans house painted up for the Dunkelshelf. And made some changes to the layout. That’s probably something I’ll do for as long as the shelf exists. Anyway, I moved the church into the background. Means you can no longer see the front door, where I liked some of the details. But you can see more of what’s going on back there, since it was blocking out a lot. Aaaaaand, I’m thinking with the church near the Prancing Peacock and the Dunkelshelf Slum area, the priests are where they’re needed (at least in their eyes). Sinners all around. Also added a walkway to the broken bridge. Like the feel of it being patched up like that. Moved the fountain to the front. Wanna play with some water effects on that one, so it would be a shame it was hidden in the background. And also now I have more space to play with the market area.

Paints used are Scale75 unless otherwise noted.

Skin: Basic Flesh, Flesh Wash (Army Painter), Pale Skin
Coat: Petroleum Grey, Dark Tone (Army Painter), Mojave White
Leather: Leather Brown, Basic Flesh, Mojave White, Petroleum Grey, Mid Brown (Army Painter)
Reds: Deep Red, Basic Flesh
Yellow Leather: Gelbraun Brown, Light one (Army Painter) x3, Birch
Feather: Thar Brown, Birch, Mojave White
Gold: Gold (Vallejo), Copper (Vallejo), Antique Gold (Green Stuff World)
Metai: Thrash Metal, Dark Tone (Army Painter), Heavy Metal
Wood: Walnut: Mid Brown (Army Painter), Graphite

Skin: Basic Flesh, Flesh Wash, Pale Skin
Shirt: Birch, White Sands
Trousers: Braineater Azure, Fairy Blood, Mojave White
Jacket: Deep Red, Basic Flesh, Birch, Health Red, Åetroleum Grey
Leather: Leather Brown, Basic Flesh, Mojave White, Petroleum Grey, Mid Brown (Army Painter)
Beard: Graphite, Dark Tone (Army Painter), Birch
Shell: Ishtar Pink, Light Tone (Army Painter), Birch
Bone: Thar Brown, Light Tone (Army Painter), Birch
Feathers: Surfer Orc Flesh, Undead Flesh, Tiamat Orange, Mediterranean Blue, Thar Brown, Birch, Mojave White
Gold: Gold (Vallejo), Copper (Vallejo), Antique Gold (Green Stuff World)
Metal: Thrash Metal, Dark Tone (Army Painter), Heavy Metal

Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes
Johannes, Uwe and some Dunkelshelf changes

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