Assorted Miniature Projects
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A place to drop plenty of different projects which I'm working on right now, exploring different ranges and one-off miniatures.
Related Genre: Fantasy
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Painting Grimdark Stormcast Eternals
Some of the links to what I’ve been using to make the different Warcry warbands.
Beowulf & Grendel - Otherworld Miniatures
In the spirit of Spring Cleaning, I decided to crack on and finish Beowulf & Grendel from the Otherworld Miniatures range. First up is the mighty hero, Beowulf…
I enjoyed painting this chap. There is a little bit of the Ray Winstone about him for sure but I liked that there was so much detail worked into the sculpt.
It was fun painting the shading and highlighting stage and I think the base really helps set the model off, framing it well. Cloaks are also fun to paint!
We also have Grendel, the monstrous beast that attacked Hrothgar’s Hall.
Again, a fun model to paint and a bit different from normal. There was a lot of drybrushing to get through on this model. I worked in a lot of greys followed by off-white and black for the hair.
I thought it worked well for troll skin and gave him the appearance of a creature from the bowels of the earth. He also features the leather loincloth and the peering red eyes. Oh, and the sticky ichor dropping from his maw.
It was a fun project working on these two and I’m interested in looking at writing up some simple rules for them. I want to put together a little set of duelling mechanics, maybe using SAGA dice, to play out a quick clash between them.
Blood Rage Gods
I thought I’d drop in some images of the small amount of painting I’ve taken the time to do over the last month.
I have been finding it very hard to get myself motivated to paint at the moment and I tend to maybe do a few steps and then just stop annoyingly.
These were fun to do and I think that if I actually try and knuckle down I might be able to get the other two finished; Odin and Tyr.
Thorfinn Einarsson (Viking)
Being in a Viking mood I decided to crack out a miniature gifted to me a while ago now and paint him up. Here we have Thorfinn Einarsson (according to Warlord’s website).
I had fun painting this fellow up and I might pop in and do the odd one or two miniatures here and there. Trying to get back into the painting groove.
This fellow was a neat way to build on my Viking love at the moment and I might dig out a few more from my collection just to play around with.
Painting Up Soulbound (Probably?)
I wanted to show some support to a local gaming store so I went and picked up some Age Of Sigmar push-fit miniatures that I’d been tempted to have a crack at for a while now. Turns out, I quite like working through these gold armoured warriors!
The way I’m approaching this, I’m looking to try and paint up some characters that could be used as Soulbound when it comes to playing out that particular roleplaying game from Cubicle 7.
You don’t have to use miniatures in the game but I reckon it would be a fun way to show off where the characters where during some battles – all the enemies would be represented as marks on a whiteboard anyway. This is just for fun.
I painted the Sequitor above and then worked on this Fyreslayer which actually came from a Warhammer Underworlds set.
Again, I went for the classic scheme for this character and actually really enjoyed it. I know that I’m never really going to use these on the tabletop and so painting up the odd one or two miniatures has always been a nice way for me to dip my toe into the different factions.
I’m currently looking through the Games Workshop webstore at the odd character or two that I think I’d like to have a pop at next!
Gotrek & Felix
I picked up Kaldrin & Brend from MOMminiaturas and painted them up to use in something Warhammer…probably!
I haven’t painted anything in a few weeks now so it was good to sit down and get back to work on some characters. The miniatures were a bit of a pain to clean but the details are nice.
I know there are still plenty of lines here and there but I just couldn’t be arsed to clean them and just wanted to get to painting – you won’t see them when you’re playing anyway…I hope.
I also managed to get a few moments to do the basing last night. Not much to say here other than a big bit blob of grass and a good ol’ dark brown base rim to make them feel Mordheim-esque.
You can also see the work on my next project in the background, another massive Orc miniature from MOMminiaturas. I am ready to build a deadly foe for Gotrek & Felix to fight!
This fellow is just at the start of the process at the moment with a drybrush all over the armour for ease and the start of the green skin. It will be fun to get into all the details though soon.
Classic Warhammer Dwarf Slayer
I am in the middle of a Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play adventure with some folks and thought I’d pick up a miniature to represent my Dwarf Slayer character.
This is one of the Dwarf Lords Of Legend from an old Citadel box that was kindly sent my way and I thought it would be a perfect candidate for my WFRP character.
I really liked the look of the miniature and it was fun to paint something Old World again.
I even painted him with a dark brown base rim to match those old Mordheim miniatures from White Dwarf etc!
Also - A Surprise Rangers Of Shadow Deep Appearance!
I also took some time recently to paint up the characters from my Rangers Of Shadow Deep warband that I continually mean to get working for my games on the tabletop.
The miniatures were built from the Frostgrave Soldiers kit and show off the Ranger and his companions more or less at the end of their painting journey. They need highlighting and basing but they have come together rather nicely I thought.
Working On Something Different!
So, one of the things that I’ve been inspired by recently has been Blood Bowl. So, I picked up the old Blood Bowl set I had, dug out an Orc and had a go at painting one!
It was a lot of fun painting up some of the old miniatures even though the details on them are much more lacking compared to the new ones.
I am going to paint up one of the Humans next but it would be cool to hear what colour I should go with for their kit? Blue as standard or something different?
Filling The Time With Atlantis Miniatures Dwarves
In a little bit of a gap in my schedule for painting I thought I’d work on this character from the Atlantis Miniatures range.
I had a lot of fun painting up this miniature, even with all of the fiddly details on the model. These miniatures from Atlantis are some of the best out there, especially if you’re looking for detailed roleplaying characters and ace skirmish groups.
It was painted and finished on my Twitch Livestream every Tuesday and Sunday at because_dragons. Give me a Follow if you fancy hanging out and watching some more of my work over the coming weeks.
Dunkeldorf Miniatures - Painting Up The Patrons
I was very lucky to get my hands on some of the miniatures from Dunkeldorf Miniatures/King Games new Kickstarter, The Prancing Peacock plus a few whole are from their previous campaigns – you might have seen a few of these models in this project before.
First up, we have a few of the bare metal miniatures (as they arrive from the range) and a few of the resin preview miniatures too. All of them are very nicely detailed and give you a cross-section of the different characters you’ll find in the range!
Beyond that, I then got stuck into the painting of these miniatures. I’ve collected together a few of them here but there is still a handful left to paint. One thing I will say from the off is that they are very characterful, packed with detail, and a lot of fun to paint.
The Noble above with his goblet of wine was probably my favourite miniature from the collection. I was really pleased with how he came out.
Again, I had a lot of fun with the mutant here and that little Dwarf Butcher. If I was going to be putting together a bit of a Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play adventure then these would make good characters, NPCs and such.
I’ve also got two of the older miniatures from the collection and their first Kickstarter that I dug out to show off again. You can even scroll back through this project to see my ill attempted take on a beard for the Merchant!
Make sure to let me know what you think of the miniatures and how they came out below. I have really enjoyed painting this range and once again, I thank King Games for sending me a few to paint up and show off.
I Lied, There Is Another - Boromir!
Finally, Boromir in 10mm completes the actual Fellowship…
Time to get transferring them from those painting bases onto pennies and then basing the lot of them!
The Final Two Hobbits! - Merry & Pippin
I am really proud of how Merry & Pippin turned out here. I think the techniques have more or less sorted themselves out for these!
I have also undercoated the alternative Boromir now and I’ll be taking a look at finishing him off later this week!
More Of The Tiny 10mm Fellowship...
Here are a few more miniatures from the Copplestone Castings collection for their Fellowship. We start with Boromir (Bakshi) but also could well be Beorn in the future – I just need a 15mm bear!
I will be painting up the Jackson version of Boromir in the future so I will be able to swap him out. I just wanted to paint something a bit different first time around.
And, here are some Hobbits! Frodo & Sam are ready for an adventure.
These are SO tiny and I really can’t wait to get stuck into Merry & Pippin and then go beyond this and perhaps pick up some foes to stick them against in Moria.
...And My Axe!
Having a lot of fun. Just did this fellow in-between lunch and work stuff. The beards certainly help these models pop a bit more.
Breaking it down, the process is pretty simple…
- Undercoat (I use Wraithbone or White)
- Base Colours
- Wash with Nuln Oil
- Highlight back up using the original colour or something lighter
Doesn’t take any time at all, maybe about 30 minutes in total (a bit longer depending on the model). I think the main thing is going to be finding the sand (thanks for the help) to start working on the bases.
I think I’ll also be transferring them onto 1p instead of these GW rounds.
...And My (10mm) Bow!
In addition to yesterday’s work, here is Legolas who I painted up yesterday from the group.
Again, really liking how these have come together and they take no time at all to paint. I am very tempted to pick up a pack of the Copplestone Castings Orcs as well so I can have this band of heroes fighting through Moria!
The Little Fellowship (10mm Lord Of The Rings)
After wanting to dive into the likes of Warmaster over the past few weeks, I was tempted to pick up some 10mm Copplestone Casting miniatures; an alternative Fellowship Of The Ring.
This was going to be quite a challenge as I’ve never done anything in anything smaller than 20mm before but I’ve finished off both Gandalf and Aragorn this week and I’m pretty happy with them!
First up, we have Gandalf…
He was my first test miniature and I think that he worked really well. The work that goes into these miniatures seems similar to 28mm although it takes about a tenth of the time. Gandalf was finished in about 30 minutes…
Next was Aragorn and he uses a very different colour palette to Gandalf. This was a lot of browns and greens to give the look of Strider the Ranger from Fellowship. I think, once again, it turned out ok!
These miniatures were at an odd angle and didn’t really show off Aragorn in the best light (at least in my opinion), so I took another shot like the one above for Gandalf which gives you a better look at his features and such from the front.
Considering these were my first 10mm figures, I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. I have Legolas, Boromir, Gimli and the four Hobbits to work on after this and they all look a bit more challenging!
The Hobbits, in particular, are going to be very interesting indeed since they are even smaller and are packed with detail regardless.
One question I do want to ask is, what is the best basing material for 10mm figures and where do you get it from? I have been told very, very fine sand is a good idea and just paint it green?