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Cult of Games Member

When I buy a Boardgame with miniatures I do so primarily for the miniatures – miniatures are my hobby far more than the games that go with them.  I love painting miniatures.  I also like playing games with miniatures but it’s the miniatures that are my hobby.  I can happily play games that don’t have miniatures and just use tokens or meeples.  But there are some games that miniatures add to and improve, these are typically the games I play with miniatures.

The first one I really remember buying is Space Crusade.  Then Warhammer Quest.  Amd more recently Dungeon Saga, Conan, Star Wars Imperial Assault, Mythic Battles, Human Interface.  All of these games could be played with tokens and tactically the game would be the same.  But would the experience be the same?  No, it wouldn’t.  Those games are undeniably more fun with miniatures on the table.

But then I play other games that just use meeples and tokens and they’re also fun.  Clans of Caledonia for example is a worker placement game with little wooden meeples.  Miniatures would add nothing to that game.

Interestingly I have at times thought about taking a copy of Quelle Affaire, buying some 28mm Napoleonic miniatures and painting a single miniature to represent each regiment present and using them instead of the counters.  Completely unnecessary but I certainly think it would add something, not to the game but to the experience of playing the game.

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