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75th Anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Gaming The Battles)

75th Anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Gaming The Battles)

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Anzio - Second Table Top Battle Report (Turns 1 and 2)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Turn 1:

The Germans are attacking and so have the first turn.

The immediate move is to push out of the pocket deployment zone. The two panzer platoons advance down the road. FBP advances toward the tree line and FGP advances southward toward the British cowering within the trees.

FBP is out of range so cannot shoot. FGP is able to lay some fire down upon SFOP but, thanks to the British being dug in, is unable to cause any damage. The lead tanks focus their fire upon the British units that can punch back, namely the anti tanks guns on the hill, but fail to cause any damage.

The British are well dug in and choose not to move their main forces apart from the Universal carriers that use their Dash Movement to charge ahead 32”.

Frustratingly for the British, their 6 pounder anti tank guns are just out of range of the German Panzers, so cannot fire this turn. SFOP is able to fire back from their fox holes in the woods upon FGP and with 6 shots, causes 1 base to be removed.

The tactical view at the end of Turn 1The tactical view at the end of Turn 1
The view from the Panzers as they advance up the Via AnziateThe view from the Panzers as they advance up the Via Anziate

Turn 2

The 1st Panzer Platoon takes a Blitz move successfully giving them a 4” move while being considered stationery. The 2nd Panzer Platoon tries the same but fails their check leaving them stationery. The other platoons advance up to their full move including the Mortar Platoon as they are currently out of range of most of the British targets. Red Platoon also deploys next to the road this turn (FRP)

1st Panzer Platoon is able to apply some pressure to the defenders. With a Blitz move, they can freely apply their full rate of fire with their main guns to the Anti Tank gun platoon. They score 3 successful hits but two are saved and the remaining hit doesn’t pass the fire power check leaving the defenders unharmed and ready to fight back!

FGP continues to fire upon SFOP, scoring 2 hits but given the Forresters’ dug in positions, FGP fails to cause any damage.

At the end of an ineffective turn, the German commander orders the 2nd Panzer Platoon to ‘Follow me’ and advance 4” to keep up with the 1st Panzer Platoon.

In reply, the Universal Carriers advance up behind the Chapel but otherwise, the Sherwood Foerresters don’t move from their dug in positions.

The 6pdr anti tank guns fire upon the 1st Panzer Platoon. With their 4 shots, they hit twice. The left tank is able to bounce the shot but the right tank is not so lucky and ‘brews up’. 

From the tree line, SFOP continues to defend their position and fire upon FGP, scoring 3 hits and one kill.

End of Turn 2End of Turn 2
The 6pdr guns have an excellent view down the Via AnziateThe 6pdr guns have an excellent view down the Via Anziate
The Sherwood Forresters peer out from their foxholes at the advancing FallschirmjagerThe Sherwood Forresters peer out from their foxholes at the advancing Fallschirmjager

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