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Gaslands wasteland table

Gaslands wasteland table

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Project Blog by templar5836 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 36

About the Project

I’m running Gaslands at a convention in March and I’m working away at building terrain and cars. I also wanted most of the terrain to be useful in playing other games, so very little of it is Gaslands specific...being mostly desert and rocks it is pretty scale flexible

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The wasteland...

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 6
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The base of the table is a mat made from a canvas drop cloth coated with acrylic caulk, textured with sand and painted in with the colors chosen in the last post, when this was dry it was washed with a homemade wash a mixture dark brown, black and red. This was was applied in sections and then “sponged” off with paper towel to give the variations in colors and the mottled look it has The base of the table is a mat made from a canvas drop cloth coated with acrylic caulk, textured with sand and painted in with the colors chosen in the last post, when this was dry it was washed with a homemade wash a mixture dark brown, black and red. This was was applied in sections and then “sponged” off with paper towel to give the variations in colors and the mottled look it has
As you can see in this way the colors match nicely with the terrain pieces set on top of it As you can see in this way the colors match nicely with the terrain pieces set on top of it

Materials and colors...

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 8
No Comments
Most of the terrain for this table is just desert rocks...these are made by hot gluing pine bark together Most of the terrain for this table is just desert rocks...these are made by hot gluing pine bark together
This is an example of a piece before it is painted This is an example of a piece before it is painted
and after ...and after ...
As for the colors, I came across this photo on a website about the color grading for As for the colors, I came across this photo on a website about the color grading for "Fury Road", so I went to the local hardware store and had sample cans mixed for a few of the colors

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