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Pafetik Bazerkas Budget Terrain

Pafetik Bazerkas Budget Terrain

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Expanding Foam.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So I know this ones pretty well known but when its already laying about due to house renos it’s a great way to use it up before it goes off and your forced to throw away half a can of unused foam. I had actually deposited a couple of blobs a few months ago in anticipation of an opportunity such as this.

* Super cheap making rocks from what would have been rubbish. Raided the kids collection of unused poster paints to help decluter a bit and found a bag of plaster powder under it all looking for something to do.

* I found a long sharp meat carving knife to be the best for sculpting, but its generaly very easy to work. Used a hole saw to create tube sections for the columns.

* hot glue gun best for sticking bits back together

* After carving I rendered it with a mix of plaster, PVA, and paint. It looks ok but its a bit fragile. If I was to do it again I’d go heavy with the PVA. I’ll probably address this issue in the future along with adding a bit more colour.

*Result is kind of realistic with little work.

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