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I slept for eleven hours by accident. I need to try and go back to bed in an hour and a half before my night shift. Ill just be responding to people’s work and give something with more substance later when I have more time.

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@sundancer Wookies and Specialists? So cool. Your really loving Star Wars Legion aren’t you? Did you prime them with an airbrush or cans.

@dwafydd Man you grind away on the Imperial Warmachine don’t you? How many Knights and Armigers do you have? Interesting basing concept. What Chapter is the Librarian? I like the green and purple quartered. Is that a bionic leg painted on the black and red grey knight (love the alternative colours)

@biggabum Is that a converted pistol wraith? Congrats on the new car btw. Pic!!!

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@evilstu Im liking how the board is coming along. What is next? Nice storage.

@dawfydd No those are the plastic ones from the Goblin Town set which are now available separately. Man those wolves are good. Did they ever elaborate on Primaris successor chapter schemes in the new books?

Cool admech mini. That was a limited edition right?

@sundancer Nice progress on the Wookies. Gold? Droids are looking good too.

@dwafydd Gundam! Nice!

@evilstu Nice walls and cool Chaos Knights, not too old either.

@rayryr Nice start with the Heresy Era Dark Angels. Check these out for inspiration

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