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Firestorm STALINGRAD  campaign

Firestorm STALINGRAD campaign

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Naming the Names

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 3
1 Comment
In keeping with the sides, i have given appropriate names to all the players. During the course of the game, depending on their success or lack of it, they may receive telegrams from Wolfsschanze  or Stavka  indicating words s of congratulations or requests to return to Berlin/Moscow for debriefing.
1st in Command Soviets – Jay =   Yasha  Maxim
2nd in Command Soviets – Serge =   Sergei   Voronoff
Duncan A =      Alexie  Azarov
Duncan M  =  Markov  Muravyov
Stan   = Stanislav   Stasya  Matveyev
John     = Vanya  Zhdanov
Ted    = Fedor   Konovalov
1st in command Germans  – Brian    = Bohm Hoch
2nd in command Germans – Jeff     = Gottfried  Mayer
3rd in command Germnas -Martin  =    Martin  Rust
Gary   = Gero  Gervas
Mike   = Michel  Alexander
Nick  = Niklas Steffen
Francis  =  Franz  Rothstein

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Cult of Games Member

Great idea for a project, @tacticalgenius . But wait! What about the Tigers? 😉

Are we sure there were no Tigers in Stalingrad? 😉

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