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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Claws trouble

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 8
Painted toesPainted toes

With the different bodies with the GW hooved feet and the Northstar gnoll feet theres a chance that they won’t mix. On the Shaman with the staff I just painted claws on the hooves and think it looks OK.

On two archers I converted, I used claws made from shoulder fur from Mantic Games demons and they seemed a bit too much like talons. I still like them, but on the other models I want to change away from hooves, I will try to cut the length down even more.

When it came to the patterning I allowed myself the freedom to change it away from strictly being hyena pelt if I wanted. I did look at their basic pattern as a guide. I have given them all pale ear tops and eyebrows and taken the hair at the centre of the back darker than most of the hyena images I have seen

The Gnoll toes as on the Northstar sprueThe Gnoll toes as on the Northstar sprue
Mantic demon shoulder fur snipped off and used as toes on the GW beastmen gnolls (pick the bones out of that description)Mantic demon shoulder fur snipped off and used as toes on the GW beastmen gnolls (pick the bones out of that description)
Claws trouble
Claws trouble
Claws trouble

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Forming up nicely!

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