New 6×3 Mat Styles Available From GameMat.Eu

January 15, 2019 by brennon

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GameMat.Eu has added two new 6x3 Mats to their collection for those looking for an alternative set up on their gaming tabletop. The two new mat designs include Highlands...

6x3 Mat Highlands - GameMat.Eu

...and Sands Of Time. Each of them comes with a highly detailed printed design which could provide you with a good backdrop for your adventures. A few scenarios out there nowadays call for games which are played out on a slightly narrower playing field, so this would be a good shout, especially for ranked up mass battle games.

6x3 Mat Sands - GameMat.Eu

The Sands Of Time mat in particular looks like a good one to choose if you want to have a scenario practically printed onto the tabletop for you. You could have two forces battling over the pair of river crossings here which act as the entrance to their respective kingdoms.

As well as these two designs, GameMat.Eu also worked on their Medieval Town design last year which is wonderful for close quarters urban fighting.

6x3 Mat Urban - GameMat.Eu

All of the designs can then be paired with some of the pre-painted terrain that GameMat.Eu provides, making for some instant battlefields. You do pay a lot more for the privilege but for those of you out their running clubs and the like, it could be a viable option.

I still think that crafting your own terrain and giving it a lick of paint is the way forward but not everyone has the time to invest in that. Still, there are also more budget options out there for people too like the Battlefield In A Box collection from Gale Force Nine.

We've reviewed a lot of the GameMat.Eu products and they are pretty darn good for what you're getting, especially now they're venturing into Sci-Fi and Fantasy in greater detail.

Are you tempted by these new mats?

"All of the designs can then be paired with some of the pre-painted terrain that GameMat.Eu provides, making for some instant battlefields..."

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