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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019…. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….


Cult of Games Member

@horati0nosebl0wer well at least you didn’t tell me to Stop. Collaborate and listen 😛

@mage snapped a quick pic f the Knights as they presently stand – primed in AP platemail with 2 airbrushed coats of Vallejo Red ink, water and Vallejo flow improver in approximately a 1:1:1 ratio. Will post better pics when I get on to progressing.


I should go and fix up my 3d printer but it’s still nearly 40 degrees outside so don’t really want to be hanging out in the garage where it will be hotter. Might leave it for the weekend instead. Proper comments and points later 😀

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