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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019…. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 11/01/… So if I carry the 1… That must make it 2019….



Page 2 Responses:





Its been three years already? That’s a long time to be dealing with that.


Benign is good, but scary stuff all the same. Hope it works out well and happens soon!


Swimming might be good for helping. No impact or serious strain at the joints, everything gets worked out, good for muscle building, toning, cardio and flexibility.


Nice space wolves. I love the kitbashing. As for the Wolf Guard Leader that is one big axe. Perhaps a suitably cheesy name with a pun involving the axe might be appropriate for him?




The Walking Dead stuff is looking great.




Cool airship, make much progress since?



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