Painting the KD:M Pinup Architect
Cape, Top, and Boots
I applied two of my new Vallejo colours as planned, highlighting the cape with the Jade Green and the top/boots with Livery Green. Beforehand, I was feeling a bit meh about my choice of colour on the cape and boot details: something about the blue-green was reading very flat to to the eye. However, the Jade Green brought it right back up.
Additionally, I chose to shade the cloak using Citadel’s Drakenhof Nightshade blue wash rather than Reaper’s Black Green (my only dark green). I had already used the Black Green to shade the miniature’s boots and top, so I was worried that using it again would make the greens look too similar. Additionally, using the wash helped bring back some of the blue-green that was lost when highlighting up to jade.
As a note, I found the Livery Green incredibly hard to work with. I think the effect was worth it in the end, but it provided very poor coverage over the Waaagh! Flesh and, at the same time, didn’t like being glazed or blended. I might try strengthening the pigment with off-whites in future, then bringing it back down with other greens.
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