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Solo Wargaming - Example Playthrough (Pic Heavy)

Solo Wargaming - Example Playthrough (Pic Heavy)

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Humans Turn 2

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 8
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In turn 2 the human forces continue with their approach. Fusiliers stand firm and fire, huntsmen continue to try and harass and the reinforcing contingent continues to protect the left flank and attack the tower. The free company advance on the goblin spearmen with the archers move into the protection of the ruins nearby.

Humans Turn 2

Sensing an opportunity the pistoliers, guns blazing, charge the orc boar riders and cause them to flee back towards their own lines.

Solo gaming decision analysis in depth.

In solo game decision making terms, the pistoliers were determined to be in charge range of the boar riders, and would likely have done enough damage to them on the charge to break the unit. Had this occurred they then would have pursued and likely run down the fleeing survivors, which would have caused panic tests for the nearby orc units. Additionally, the impetus of the pistoliers charge and overrun move would likely carry them through the orc lines and out of harm’s way as far as reprisal charges in the next round was concerned. If the orcs fled, as happened, the pistoliers would only realistically be in charge range of the orc archers, a light unit they could probably deal with in hand to hand combat if required, and they had enough maneuverability to flee from the charge of the archers if it was deemed necessary.

Consequently the human commander determined to declare the (somewhat opportunistic) charge.

From the orc warlords’ perspective, had the orc boar riders stood, been defeated in combat and been subsequently run down it would have caused panic tests for the nearby orc units who witnessed their contemporaries being run down, as well as a panic test for the unit of purple goblin spearmen. While the orcs may have passed, there was a moderate risk they would not pass their leadership check and would panic and also flee, meaning the line advancing on the swordsmen could have become fragmented. Additionally, the goblin spearmen, with their low leadership and far from the influence of the warlord’s presence, would be statistically likely to have fled, potentially (probably) failing to rally for the rest of the game. Once fled, the orc boar riders were likely to rally the next round, and if not would most likely get a second opportunity to rally in the subsequent turn prior to fleeing the battlefield, thus the determination was made that it was better to flee from this charge and preserve the orc boar riders as well as the cohesiveness of the overall battle line.

Given the above, the orc warlord determined to have the boar riders flee from the charge.


Humans Turn 2

In the shooting phase, the leftmost cannon misfires due to poorly loaded powder. The remaining shooting s concentrated on the unit of savage orcs on the road, who suffer tremendous casualties. However, due to their crazed nature, they charge on regardless, heedless of the mortal danger they are in.

Humans Turn 2

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